One of my challenging jobs in my current position in presenting my financial figures to my JV Partners. Ever since in join the Company, I have been told of this. Well, the first meeting that I had with Partners back in January 2008, it’s just merely sitting in…. watching my predecessor to present the figures… Wow… how nice right?? Enjoying the coffee of coffee bean… listening to the whole bunch of engineers talking… talk in their languague…. Hahha technical jargon! I actually dun seems to understand at all and dun bother to listen… Guess what, my predecessor was smart… he managed to skip his part of presentation saying the figures are almost the same with last quarter…. Trend also the same and hence the explanation also the same… so no need to present! I was like …”Huh? I am thinking of tapping your presentation skill during this time cos I know the next quarter, it’s a brand new year, Q1 2008 and I have to present on my own… and now you are skipping the presentation??? My goodness….
Finally, my nightmare comes…today is the day! I need to present in front of the Partners!! Well, how should I present? Should I read everything on the slide?? Should I read the figures out?? Orr…. Argh…. All sort of questions is in my mind…. Cos never seen the presentation before. And I really dunno what is their expectation! How detail they want it to be…. Sigh…. I have done all the homework…. Jot down all the important points and even write up my speech!! Imagine tat…. !!
Yesterday, went home late as I wan to have a last discussion with my team leader before the meeting tomolo… waited til 7pm, he finally comes out from a meeting with the Partners (the same Partners he and I going to meet again tomolo for a different meeting). The moment he step into my room he said “Those who will be in TCM tomolo sure kena whacked!) In my mind…. “Si Lo… this is my first meeting, and kena whacked?” After the discussion with team lead… I went off home…. At home… dun even bother to look at it again… cos I think, whatever will happen will happen no matter what…. So I watch TV and sleep…
Today!… I can’t sleep well…. Woke up at 5 am…. Too worried…. So I quickly go to the car and get the file… have a look at the slides again and again…. Then 630… I start to dress up… of cos in more formal office wear, with my jacket on… have been a while since the last time I wears the jacket in KPMG (luckily, still can fit in… no fat fat… hahha…)…. Hmmm.. putting on my contact lens (first time in shell wear contact lens to work) and also put on some eyes shadow and lipsticks… normally I dun put on for work… ok,… then I go…. Reach office 7 am…. Do the final homework…. Meeting starts at 8 am…
First see all the ppl present, I am already nervous….. my turn now… presenting to N partner….. bla bla bla…. Everyone seems to listening and understanding well…. Hhahah and got question for me somemore… manage to answer… some answer by the engineers la… heheheh
2 hrs later…. Presenting to PxxB now… hmm… this is more hectic and more slides to be presented….. and when it comes to a part when I need to pronounce UNBILICAL… I just can say it out properly.. It took me the third try to say it out… then one of the engineer (hmmm… quite a good looking guy) laughed! Hahha…. Me myself also laugh… hahha… well, tat make the situation better I guess…. Then I quickly run through the remaining slide… hahha then another one… UNBILICAL… hahha this time, I get it… cos not nervous anymore… hahaha….
Phew, everything goes smoothly….. I din kena whacked…. Just some of the project engineers kena whacked….

Sometimes, I really wonder… Shell, such a big company, need to act like PxxB and N’s slave! Why?? Well wat I can say its just because of the stupid P Act enacted in Malaysia, saying P owns all the hydrocarbon underneath the land of Malaysia…. Hahha… so we depends on P – holding company of PxxB to work in Malaysia lo… sigh…. Wat a XXX the govt is doing?? Protecting the WANTAN?

I remembered about 3 years back, when I had my company annual dinner in KK, all my colleagues swim happily in Sutera Harbour Hotel pool. Guess what i do???? Looking after their properties (wallet, purse, etc.....) So sad and yet angry..... why can't I swim? 2 reasons... first, since small, parents said, dangerous, so dun let me learn swimming.... 2nd reasons... such a bad body figures, of cos dun dare to wear swim suit la....... how to swim??
Then, 1 year back, I went to Mulu with my fren... again I dunno how to swim and then i missed the fun... but then this time, I manage to play the water.... a bit satisfied though can't swim....
So I told myself.... I must learn how to swim.... til last year, I finally............. bought myself a swimming suit... hahha of cos not a sexy one... very conservative one...... telling myself, need to look for a trainer.....but... til now still cant get....
Last month, early in the morning, I went with a fren to Marriott to swim... yeah... of cos i went with a gal... she taught me how to swim and start learning kicking water and floating.... hai..... very sad... i really dunno how to float..... can anyone tells me why cant i float?? really.....???? Then in the evening, I fall sick.... dunno why... mum scolded.... swim so early in the morning.....decided to give up....
But last 2 weeks, a fren of mine who doesnt know how to swim approached me and told me tat she finally able to swim... she got the swimming gear tat can help me.. so i dated her last week... end up, I cant go cos last minute, got things to do.... this week, dated her again.... but then ... due to my physical problem, can;t swim. Next week, she needs to go back Brunei for her CPA study leave, cant swim again.....
Sometimes, I really wonder... should I give up?? Really wonder
I awalys believe in doing thing straight away without planning...... This morning, chatting with Tracy online..... out of sudden, very interested in creating my own blog,---> sharing my thoughts with my loved ones...... CLICKS... here I go, and this is proudly presented to you... my Wonder World... You should be proud cos' this blog is a restricted area.... hahhah only those selected ppl are authorised to view my blog.....well, nothing much to write now.... let see when is my next posts....